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Brighton Girls GDST is one of the 23 schools and two academies that make up the Girls’ Day School Trust.

All former students and staff of GDST schools belong to the GDST Alumnae Network – a trust-wide community of just under 60,000 former students based around the UK and overseas.

The aim of the network is to help alumnae connect with one another, offer support, careers advice and networking. Find out more about the Alumnae Network at


When you leave Brighton Girls, you automatically become part of the Brighton Girls GDST Alumnae network. We encourage all of our Alumnae to stay in touch and if they can, pass on their invaluable knowledge to today’s students.

As an alumna, you are invited to our reunions and other GDST events; kept up to date with news from the school and alumnae, and have access to the wider GDST network through networking events and mentoring schemes.

There are plenty of opportunities to make a difference, such as talking about experiences at careers events, joining us for networking opportunities, mentoring, organising a reunion or supporting fundraising appeals

To join the Brighton Girls and GDST Alumnae network, please sign up here.


Get involved

There are many ways you can get involved in the life of the school and current students love to hear and learn from the experience of alumnae. If you would be interested in coming to the school to talk about your career, or helping out with careers talks then we would love to hear from you.

Please email

Help girls learn without limits

Nearly 6,500 women across the UK have benefited from the life-changing opportunity of a GDST education.

Our bursaries provide incredible opportunities to those from less advantaged backgrounds, and the benefit extends to their families, wider communities and the future networks they will create.

Our facilities, which in some cases are funded by donations, help us to provide an outstanding education to our pupils, and are crucial to our outreach projects and partnership programmes.

Make a donation

Donations of all sizes are greatly appreciated and will have an impact.

If you would like to support our efforts at Brighton Girls, please donate using this link

Give now

If you need assistance, please contact the Philanthropy Team via email or by calling +44(0)20 7393 6898.

Thank you.


Giving is our inaugural publication reviewing philanthropic activity across the GDST in the 2019/20 academic year. )

Read it here

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