Tuesday 11 February, 3.45pm
This new series of talks is themed around all things digital, coding, AI, gaming, big data analysis and more. Delivering real-life experiences from those in technology and associated professions. Hosted by alumna Jennie Lees, each talk will feature speakers from different fields of the industry.
This time we are joined by Mia Dafe, recent Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence graduate. Mia is going to take us through her university project “Decolonising the Curriculum with Machine Learning Techniques”.
Decolonising our education system is defined as identifying, acknowledging and challenging the ways in which colonialism has impacted upon perceived knowledge and learning. It is not about deleting existing knowledge or history, but about embracing knowledge systems outside of typical western understanding, and which have hitherto been ignored.
For example, at Leeds University this is framed in the following terms:
A decolonial education seeks;
To question the origins of the knowledge taught and the colonial legacies that are replicated within.
To challenge the presence of a hidden curriculum of assumed knowledge that unfairly disadvantages many.
To ask whose knowledges and voices are undervalued and silenced.
To work proactively to re-balance such unequal power dynamics.
It is one where the evaluation of the curriculum and pedagogical practices is an evolving and responsive process and has partnership between the staff and student body at its heart.
It aims to combat racial prejudices and discrimination and to challenge racialised privilege.
It is relevant and applicable to all disciplines across the university.
As well as addressing questions of curriculum and pedagogy, it also encompasses wider university structures and practices.
We are delighted that Mia has agreed to talk us through her project, and we look forward to a lively Q&A with her, led by alumna Jennie Lees. We hope that you will join us! Tech Futures Talks are compulsory for all Academic Scholars, but all students, parents and friends are welcome to attend. Simply book in on the link.