At this time of year, as senior girls move on to the next stage of their education, it’s worth remembering how Brighton Girls keeps in touch with former pupils, staff, parents and friends through events, reunions and keeping you up to date with news from the school.
When you leave us, you are not only an alumna of the School but you are also part of the Girls’ Day School Trust Alumnae Network. The network is an active community of around 70,000 former students and staff of the 23 schools and two academies of the GDST. It is the biggest network of its kind in the country. It brings together alumnae based in the UK and overseas, making connections, sharing news, passing on careers and university expertise, hosting professional and social events, and helping alums link to old and new friends alike – from their old schools and from others.
GDST women share many characteristics, but the alumnae network is composed of people from many different paths in life – City bankers, stay-at-home mums, charity workers, entrepreneurs and more. The diversity and size of the community are what help to make it special. It’s a unique network and can provide opportunities to contact women at university and doing different careers across the world.
To find out more and register for free, visit the GDST Alumnae Network Website and search on LinkedIn for the GDST Alumnae Network group. You might also like to watch the new film about mentoring at the GDST – recorded at the launch of the GDST Mentoring Scheme – where mentors and mentees share their thoughts and insights on mentoring.
You can also get involved in voting for the 2018 GDST Alumnae of the Year. Past finalists from Brighton Girls have included swimmer, Karen Pickering MBE, and engineer, Estelle Rowe MBE.