‘There is no shame in having fallen behind in a changing world. The disgrace is in choosing to remain in the past.’
Dahleen Glanton, The Chicago Tribune.
The GDST is committed to diversity, inclusion and real change, and social justice will be even more of a golden thread that runs through our work in the coming months and years. GDST schools strive to be inclusive environments in which the wellbeing of every young person comes first, and where every girl – no matter her background – can learn without limits.
Brighton Girls Anti-Racism Committee
This year, Brighton Girls Anti-racism committee has been working hard to inform and educate our girls on issues surrounding systemic racism. The committee has been running seminars with years 7 and above, covering topics such as ‘ The Origins of Racism in the UK’, ‘Introduction to White Privilege’, and ‘Race terminology’, and speaking to some inspiring GDST Alumni on their experiences.
The Anti-Racism Committee’s goal is to instil in our girls an awareness and understanding of systemic racial injustice – both in our communities and beyond – and to give them the courage to expose and oppose appearances of racism, in any form, within their own lives.
There is a long way to go, but at Brighton Girls we want to actively contribute to dismantling systemic racial injustice. We must acknowledge this problem and continue educating our girls with empathy, understanding, and courage, to move forward together towards a more equitable and just community.
- ARC Introduction Presentation
- Unconscious Bias Infographic
- Interview with Alumni: Mo Kanjilal: Co-creator of Watch this Space
- Interview with Alumni: Teohna Williams: CEO Plan for Peace, Deputy Head of Office at MONUSCO (United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo)