As Year 13 focus on their A-Level exams, and begin taking their next steps onwards from Brighton Girls, a new Head Girl Team has been elected for 2022/23. The Head and Deputy Girls serve as role models for the students and will be responsible for driving important changes in the school. Therefore, we have asked the team about their plans and how they will drive change through their new roles.
Hannah Dalgleish
Head Girl 2022/23
“My primary goal as Head Girl is to inspire students and to connect the prep and senior schools even more. As someone who has been at Brighton Girls since Nursery, I know how important the school is in giving us all a sense of belonging. I would also love to continue to raise the profile of dance, my personal passion; since joining the school, dancing has been a huge part of life here for so many of us.”
Mary Watts
Deputy Head Girl
“Hi, my name is Mary and I will be deputy head girl this year. In this role I hope to connect different year groups through sports and well-being activities as well as advocate for more mental health awareness sessions during form times.”
Khushi Choudhari
Deputy Head Girl
“…I would like to introduce a sustainable group or council, as I believe it is our responsibility to keep our earth and environment free from global warming. We should provide tips to students and staff on things they can do to live more sustainably.”
It was fantastic to hear what the Head Girl Team have planned for their roles this year and we look forward to future updates. Stay tuned here and on our social channels for future reports!
Find out more about the Sixth form here.