On 21st June our keen Year 9 readers attended this annual event for Senior Schools in the Brighton & West Sussex area. The ABAs are unique, in that readers decide both the long and short lists to be judged.
Pan Panayiotou, Head of Worthing High School, introduced three of the authors: MA Bennett, Lauren James and Matt Killeen, plus last year’s winner Penny Joelson, who acted as MC for the evening. Unfortunately Sarah Crossan and SM Wilson had travel difficulties but sent personal video messages.
Each of the authors attending read from their books and then revealed what had inspired them. After much drum-rolling the winner was announced: STAGS by MA Bennett – a firm favourite at Brighton Girls.
The evening concluded with a visit to the Book Nook’s bookstall and a chance for girls to meet the authors and have books signed. The short-listed books are available to borrow in the Library.